Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Dog From P.O.U.N.D., part 2

"...and so, you see, I need to access your computer to pinpoint the location from which Baron von Katzenheimer hijacked your blog post," Agent Sparky finished. 

Wow.  That's a wild story.  Forgive me if this sounds a little paranoid, but...I'm going to need to see some I.D.

"Of course," Agent Sparky said immediately.  

Hmmm...okay...that looks official.  Okay, let me show you the computer.

"Thanks.  This will take just a minute, and then I'll be out of your fur.  Mmm.  Mmm.  Mmm-hmmm...."
Are all P.O.U.N.D. operatives trained computer hackers?

"Yes, we all receive intensive technology training.  I happened to be assigned because your case is in my jurisdiction.  Mmm-hmmm...almost there..."
"Aha!  We've got it!  These are the GPS coordinates from which the Baron hacked into your computer." 
Wow, that's great!  So now you guys can go rescue those captive dog biscuits, right?...

Agent Sparky hesitated.  "Well...theoretically, yes.  First we have to submit a report on the situation to justify funding.  Then we have to organize a team and brief them on the mission."

Wow.  That sounds like it could take quite some time.

"Indeed.  Which reminds me...have you, by any chance, seen this dog?"

Uh.  Uh, no, sorry.  Never seen him before in my life.  --Who is he? 
"He goes by The Bark Knight.  A vigilante.  My superiors hope that they can speed up the rescue mission by going through, er, unofficial channels."

Ah, yes.  That makes sense.  

Sparky went on.  "So if you happen to see anyone matching his description, please contact me right away.  We need to find him, ASAP." 
Yessir.  I'll do that.

"Very good.  Well, I'd better get this data back to HQ as soon as I can.  Thanks for your cooperation...I'll see myself out."
*door closes behind Agent Sparky*

 .....SPUNKY!!  Come here, quick!

*sound of running feet*

"(pant, pant)  What?"  Spunky gasped, as he arrived.  "What is it?  What's wrong?" 

Is your Small Wonder costume back from the cleaners?
 "Uh, yes.  Why?  What's this about?" 

Suit up, little buddy.  It's showtime for...



  1. Drunk Fox: Taking the law into your own hands? I am you two are on the job.

  2. Drunk Fox : Meant to say I am glad you two are on the job.

  3. Ummm... did you check out those lat and long coordinates? Looks like they originate from Catmandu!! Hope you have your bat mobile all ready to go.

    1. Kathmandu, eh? How fitting for a feline supervillain. We'll have to bring our passports.
